for 2 years now the legislation that had allowed many shipowners to choose the Belgian flag has radically changed
We remind all boaters that from 1 January 2019 the legislation that had allowed many shipowners to choose the Belgian flag for their boats has radically changed, with considerable savings in bureaucracy and equipment.
From this date, in fact, the registration of one's own boat in Belgium will be permitted only in cases where the ownership of the unit is at least 50 percent of a Belgian citizen or a resident on Belgian territory.
Flag registrations already existing and assigned before the end of 2018 will be valid until their expiry but cannot be renewed if the above requirements are not confirmed.
After the similar limitations to the Dutch flag, after the Belgian one which is the most requested by shipowners, the search for other convenient flags (Polish, Slovenian) opens up, in addition to the Italian one obviously.
Our staff is at your side to help you choose "the best flag for your boat".
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